Why learn Wing Chun from AZ Wing Chun University? Sifu Brian Tufts is one of the only Certified (Black sash) instructors in the world from the Grandmaster Yip Man lineage who is qualified to teach this level of Wing Chun. Sifu Brian Tufts can be found in the Genealogy of the Wing Chun Family and has over 40 years of experience in Wing Chun. He has proven himself a superior practitioner through winning Wing Chun tournaments and using Wing Chun in real-life self-defense situations.

  • AZ Wing Chun University will give you the necessary tools to become a confident Wing Chun practitioner.

  • Gain access to a large library of step-by-step video tutorials.

  • Learn all the empty hand forms and associated drills in great detail.

  • The drills are designed for solo or partner training!

  • Other student resources include terminology as well as the internal and external development of Wing Chun.

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