Da: a strike or hit
Da m’jong: 5 elbow exercises
tai jong: raising elbow
gwai jong: diagonal downward elbow
wang jong: outward horizontal elbow
pai jong: inward horizontal elbow
sau jong: retracting or rear elbow
Daai Jeng: directing energy
Dai: low or lower level attack
Dai Bong Sau or Dai Pong Sau: low level wing arm block
Dai Chan Jeong: low knife edge palm strike
Dai Lim Tau: big idea which is built up from the little ideas in the Siu Lim Tao form
Dai Gurk: low kick
Dai au gurk: low roundhouse
Dai jing gurk: low front kick
Dai wang gurk: low side kick
Dai Jeong or Haa Jeong: low level spade thrust palm strike
Dan Chi Sau: single sticky hands exercise
Dan Tien: the center of energy in the body located about two inches below the navel in the center of the trunk
Dang Gurk: nailing kick
Dang Gwan or Dang Kwan: snapping straight down with the pole
Day Har Au Gurk: roundhouse kick on the floor
Day Har Chi Gurk: sticky legs on the floor
Day Har Jing: font kick on the floor
Day Har Wang Gurk: side kick on the floor
Day Ton Bok Gek: ground fighting
Deng or Tai Gurk: raising kick
Dim Gwan or Dim Kwan: stabbing pole
Dim Ma: stamping on the pole stance to give more energy
Ding Sau: bent wrist block or strike contacting with the wrist area
Dit Da: injuries such as bruises, sprains and strains
Dit Da Jau or Dit Da Jow: herbal liniment for bruises, sprains, and strains
Doi Gok Gurk: low diagonal leg block or strike
Doi Gok Kuen or Wang Kuen: diagonal punch from outside across the centerline
Dok Gurk Siu Lim Tao: single leg form of Siu Lim Tao
Do: butterfly knives
Do Bo: moving stances with the knives
Duun Geng: short inches power